I Survived!
Where have I been you wonder... Well after having a baby, it's been a whirlwind of activity. Doctors appointments. Visitors. Family in town. More appointments. Etcetera ectetera. But the crowning moment, was Daniel's two week external rotation down in Southern Oregon. In a little town called Roseburg - 3 hours away from me. And the kids. Two. Weeks.
I have no idea how we made it through two weeks. Well that's not true, most of the evenings were spent at my moms house, and the days spent outside of our house. Anything I could do to keep my busy toddler busy, and only have to parent three quarters of the day.
The first week went pretty smoothly. Nothing too crazy or out of the ordinary (other than a doctors appointment for me, and Linus' kidney ultrasound and checkup). Both babes were still recovering from being sick, so it was a pretty mellow week. Thankfully we had conference that Sunday, and we were able to spend all day at my moms house, doing what we do best... eating. (I should note that Daniel did come home that weekend to take his mock board exam so we did have a night or two with him home).
Zoo Day!
Snuggles with my big girl.
Second week started off with lots of play dates, hang outs, and catch up sessions with friends. The busier I keep Ruby during the day, the better she does for her nap and bedtime. Unfortunately my mom family was busy Wednesday and Thursday evening... Which is when things began to fall apart. Ruby made a full recovery from the weeks precious cold, was back to her spicy little self, times ten. Linus is currently going through his second mental leap, and both kids were needy, whiny, crying, and in Ruby's case sassy beyond belief. I was convinced both nights that my upstairs neighbors were going to call CPS because one or both children were wailing. Wednesday night Ruby and I went head to head in a battle of wills over her picking up her toys. With multiple crying sessions, some screaming in her part, and lots of time outs I thought I was going to lose my mind. Add to that the fact that she needed to be bathed... From the way she carried on you would have thought I was torturing her. Thursday night Linus did NOT want to be put down. Like, AT. ALL. So lots of baby wearing while I attempted to clean, bake, and decorate the house. Ruby got frosting in her hair, so once again we had a screaming sesh in the bathtub. (She used to LOVE taking baths. I don't know what her deal is these days...)
By Friday afternoon I was at my wits end. I was literally counting down the seconds for when Daniel was to arrive at home so that o could go hide in my bedroom in hopes of never coming out. (Ha ha ha... wishful thinking.) Needless to say, we were all a little overjoyed when he returned home.
Brother and sister snuggles.
Baby wearing for the win!
Celebrating Gramma's birthday!
Now we have two weeks with him home before we have to repeat another two weeks flying solo. Thankfully it's the last time.. But heaven help me. Honestly, mothers and wives, husbands and fathers, of our service men and women, my hat goes off to you. I cannot imagine living like a single parent for so long, AND with the worry and fear for their safety. My hat also goes off to single parents gettin it done. Really. And truly. You're all amazing.
I suppose there just comes a time when you buck up, strap your work boots on, and get after it, because what else CAN you do. Truly, you're all my heros.
Looking forward to two weeks of normality before crazy hits again. Sigh...
Cheers my beauties.