
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in motherhood, the every day, the good, the bad, the beautiful and the ugly.


A Letter to My Mom

Dear Mom,  

For as long as I can remember you have written us (your children) letters on Mother's Day thanking us for making you a mother. You mention sweet little moments we've shared through the years, reasons why you love us, and what a wonderful blessing it is for you to be our mother. 

This year, I wanted to write you a letter. I wanted to share with you the many wonderful reasons I love and appreciate you, and I wanted to ultimately thank you for being my mama. 

Thank you. I know you didn't have a choice in choosing ME per se, but thank you for being my mother. I know it hasn't always been easy. Being the only girl, and so very Italian, I know I demanded a lot of attention and brought a fair amount of drama.  

Thank you for putting up with my shenanigans when I was little. For allowing me to stand on chairs and tables and stools and sing silly songs at the top of my lungs (in all seriousness.)  For allowing me to be an Olympic gymnast and practice my dismounts. Thank you for putting up with my shower singing, and my incredible one woman musical productions. (Climmmmmmb every mouuuuuuntaaaaain!!) 

Thank you for allowing me to chase my dreams, persue my goals, and find my passions. Driving me to piano lessons, letting me borrow your flute for middle school band, paying for dance camps. I can still remember watching you break out in to hives during our first dance team meeting. But you never said no, even when I had practices at 6 in the morning, and track meets late in to the night. You were ALWAYS there, cheering me on, and EVERYONE knew who my mom was, because you were the loudest - I know I mock it, but I lived for it.  

Thank you for putting up with my crappy, CRAPPY teenage years. I was stubborn, and mean, and defiant. I know I said some horrible stuff, and did some rude things. I wish, TRULY wish, I could go back and eat my words. I didn't understand at the time how much I know I hurt you (even when there wasn't any truth behind the words I said) until I had Ruby. My heart would (and I'm sure it will cause she's my stinky daughter, ha ha) break if she said and did those things. But you loved me, held on to me, cared for me, and never gave up on me. You showed me what it means to truly love selflessly, and for that I can never thank you enough. 

Thank you for listening to, indulging in, and always being there for my D R A M A in high school. Dealing with boyfriends, first kisses, dates, I know it was so very entertaining. But you listened to my heart breaks, my friend breaks, you never judged, or told me I was crazy. You only ever offered advice, love, and a shoulder to cry and lean on. 

Thank you for showing me what it looks like to be a good wife. I have always loved watching you and dad (no matter how many times as a kid I would roll my eyes and yell "eew gross" when you hugged and kissed.) You and dad are adorable, I love that you take good care of each other. I love that after 30 plus years you still surprise and love each other. No need for story book endings, when you and dad have done such a good job of showing us kids what a true fairytale happy ending looks like. Hard work, patience, love, teamwork, a good attitude, and The Lord. 

Thank you for pushing me. Believing in me. You taught me to be strong, confident, compassionate, imaginative, and spontaneous. I know you say I came pre-destined with all these qualities, but you taught me a lot. Don't short change yourself! You are an amazing woman. You are strong, and confident, and smart, and creative and you have learned over the years how to put yourself first, and how to say NO! (That's a big one!!) 

I know that the last few years have been hard on you physically. But don't give up. Hang in there. You got this! Heavenly Father knows your trials and struggles, your hopes and wants. He knows your heart, and hears your prayers. It will all be OK!  

Thank you for showing, extending, and loving my husband as though he were your own. I love watching your relationship. The two of you make me smile and laugh. You two... :) 

Thank you for loving my kids. They are so blessed. So fortunate. So loved! They truly are lucky little skunks to have such a sweet, and kind, and amazing grandma like you. I look forward to the sleepovers, shenanigans, and future sporting events - wherein they will learn what it's like to be TRULY cheered.  

Your journey to motherhood was not an easy one. Your acquiring of each of us kids was an adventure. Raising us. Loving us. Being patient with us. There have been many lows, and many highs. I know in some ways you feel like you let us down, weren't adequate enough, or couldn't give or teach us what we needed all the time. When the truth is, you did! You were 100% what we needed, 100% of the time. And though it may take some of your kids to catch up with the rest of us (ha ha ha) know that we are, and always will be, one of your greatest accomplishments. You raised 4 dependent humans in to very unique and different, strong, kind, smart, independent individuals. We are forever indebted to you for your long suffering and patience. :)  

I just want you to know, that no matter what "stage" you're at in life. You can. You can do anything. You've cheered me on for so long, it's time for me to cheer you on. Whatever you want to do, or be, you CAN do it! And you CAN be it. It's absolutely never ever ever too late. Ever. (Ok, it might be too late to be an astronaut, but you wouldn't want to do that anyways, so it works out perfect. :) 

Mama, you are my bestest friend. The most amazing woman I know. My life is truly blessed and better because you're in it, and have made it so. I thank my Father in Heaven everyday for sending me to you. It's been the best 30 years of my life, and I look forward to so many more. Thank you for the car dances, the crazy beach trips, your awesome dance moves, and your yelling at crazy drivers. (Especially at the veterans cemetery.) 

I love you too the moon and back. I really do. Happy Mother's Day.  


Self Love.

Self Love.

The End of a Long Road

The End of a Long Road