Oh the Places We'll Go... But Always Together
I knew when I said yes to marrying Daniel 11 years ago that my life with him, would be nothing short of a constant adventure.
When we first came home from his mission in 2006 he had dreams of becoming a CPA and ultimately a Tax Attorney. He wanted to run his own office, work his own business, be his own boss. Listening to him talk about his job, his future plans, his goals.. Sometimes had my eyes glazing over.
Ladies! Ya'll know what I'm talking about! When your man starts talking about his job, his hobby (or hobbies), or favorite whatever... You have no CLUE what he's talking about. You realize that you're trying so hard to pay attention and to understand what it is he's talking about, but you find that your eyes are starting to cross and your mind is starting to wander. But his joy and his excitement and ultimately his passion for (insert whatever it is he is talking about here) is contagious. Watching him light up talking about what brings him joy, ultimately brings you joy. You care, because HE cares. (Tell me I'm not alone here! Right?!....)
I remember when he came home with a look of determination in his eye to inform me that he no longer wanted to be a CPA. Honestly, I was stunned... It was only a year and a half in to our marriage and schooling and he had been so sure of what it was he wanted to be in life. I didn't question his decision to change however; his reasons being that he wanted to be able to spend more time with his family, not have a "tax widow", and to still be his own boss.
Three years of undergrad to get a Bachelors degree in Science. Dental Admissions test, grad school applications, interviews and finally acceptance! Four years at OHSU School of Dentistry, filled with classes, tests, labs, clinic etc. Intense board examinations to graduate and become licensed, job interviews, graduation and then FINALLY a job that brought us down to southern Oregon.
When he took the job at the Health Center here in town, it was with two possible outcomes. Work for three years and then buy or start his own practice, or work the full 10 years and get his dental school loans forgiven through a government repayment plan and THEN buy or start his own practice. With so many changes in government, and politicians etc. we became unsure of the security surrounding this program. We began questioning our outcomes, and what our other options could be.
In December, he came home with that look... And I just knew. I knew my world was about to get rocked yet again. After talking to several of the dentists in town, and a lot of the retired dentists at the community center, he decided that striking out on his own was going to be his best option. From there it was a matter of deciding to do a startup, or purchasing a practice from a retiring dentist. When the opportunity came to purchase a practice in Cottage Grove, we knew it was the best decision for our family.
It was a long, rigorous process filled with so many little steps, details, and moments. There were so many people working to help make this happen for Daniel, and though it wasn't always smooth sailing, we knew the end result would be worth it. After stacks of paperwork, and signing his life away (ha ha ha, no seriously... That's kind of what it felt like...) After hours of late night phone calls and conversations with bankers, lawyers, CPA's, insurance and so forth we finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel. On Friday April 6th my husband quit his job. There was a brief moment of panic... But as the weekend dragged on, the excitement for his new adventure began to build.
Dr. McMaster, and the sweet Dentist he bought the practice from Dr. Maddess.
On Monday April 9th, my husband became the proud owner of Chambers Bridge Dental. I think the most fun and exciting part for me is that my mother also quit her job, and is now his office manager... A plan they joked about the day he entered dental school so many years ago.
Through every step I have stood by his side, we have laughed, cried, screamed, laughed some more, joked, and somehow made it through a very long process to get to where we are today. I couldn't be more proud of the man that he has become, or that he is becoming. This is definitely quite the new adventure, but I look forward to all the many things he will learn, and accomplish, all the relationships he will build, and the people he will meet.
Eeek! It's so weird! But! Ultimately, so fun.
Cheers Soul Friends! And happy freakin' weekend!