
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in motherhood, the every day, the good, the bad, the beautiful and the ugly.


Mom of (soon) to be three! Let me be...

Mom of (soon) to be three! Let me be...

So, you heard it here first folks. The McMaster family will be growing by two feet!

Adoption is apart of my soul, it is a piece of my history, it’s part of what makes me, Me. It doesn’t define who I am, but it does impact the way I empathize towards moms and their stories of how they came to be mama’s.

For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to adopt kids. For a few reasons, one to honor my birth mother in making the selfless choice of giving me a better life; because it was an incredibly selfless choice. I cannot imagine how hard it be to say goodbye to your sweet baby, hoping that all the dreams and wishes you have for them, come true. And two, to pay it forward in a way. I was blessed enough to be adopted in to an amazing, loving family. I know what it’s like to be adopted, I know what it’s like to be a part of an adopted family, and I want nothing more than to love, support, and nurture an adopted child of my own.

I was blessed with a husband who understood these hopes, and was totally onboard with helping to make these hopes a reality.

I would be lying if I didn’t admit that I struggled. I felt guilty in wanting to adopt because I am capable of having children, and all those women who aren’t able to have children of their own need and want children to love. But ultimately, I knew, without a shadow of a doubt that this was the right course for our family. Daniel and I both felt strongly that we were missing a piece of our family, and we felt strongly that adopting would bring that sweet little spirit, that was meant just for us - to us.

To say it has been a wild and crazy ride for the last year is an understatement. (More so within the last 5 months.) But please stay tuned as I will be making regular updates, answering any questions, and sharing openly and honestly this journey our family is taking. I really am looking forward to all the learning, growing, and loving our family will get to take part in, and I am excited to share that with all of you.

Cheers Soul Friends!!

It's almost here... The BIG one!

It's almost here... The BIG one!

Oh the Places We'll Go... But Always Together

Oh the Places We'll Go... But Always Together